Weddingphotographer Stockholm. Mail from Africa.

Nyss landat efter bröllop på Yxtaholm slott och kameraväska med rullar fyllda av kärlek.

Kommer hem till underbart mail från Linda &Daniel ( Fågelbro 17 september) som njuter en hel månad i Afrika:

Dear Kicki,
On our honeymoon in the middle of nowhere in Kenya. We are smiling thinking about the best days of our lives. The memories are so magical and real.

Today as we had our second day of our honeymoon and relaxingtime was on our schedule we spent some time looking at the wonderful pictures you took on our weddingday. We are so happy that you were with us throughout the whole day! You have managed to capture the true feeling of the day and not only the feeling but also the magical moments that we experienced. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, you have made it come true! We will always look at the pictures with a big smile and a warm heart. Thank you!

We are glad that you insisted on getting to know us before the big day, you made us feel very relaxed. And also you delivered more than we could ever have hoped for though we were convinced the first time we met that you wouldn’t disappoint us 🙂

We know many of our guests are looking forward to seeing the pictures and we will be happy to share them – they are beatiful!

With love,
Linda &Daniel

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