Bröllopsfotograf Stockholm, Dansmuseet!
Lördag 24 mars var det extra roligt att vara Bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm.Jolanta&Peter firade sina födelsedagar (120 år) med stor pompa och ståt på Dansmuseet i Stockholm. Som en fantastisk överaskning för familj och vänner gifte [...]
Weddingphotographer Stockholm, nice email!
Good Morning, I am writing to you from Grace Ormonde Wedding Style. If you are not familiar with our magazine, we are a biannual, luxury wedding publication distributed throughout the United States and several countries [...]
Weddingphotgraper Stockholm at the Royal Palace.
The CEO & Proud Owner of c/o Hotels, was receiving the Culture Award, Gold Medal for cultural achievement in the restoration including the 1600-century castle Häringe Palace. Saturday 10 March 2012 there was a beautiful ceremony [...]