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Wedding preparations!
Anna & Niclas is getting ready at Krägga herrgård!
I’m now a proud member of the prestigous organization ISPWP. They only select, as put by themselves – the best wedding photographers in the world. I feel honored to be a part of ISPWP.
Big day!
Big weddingparty at Nyckelvikens herrgård.Anna-karin&Bosse is getting marriedat the very same day as the Swedish crown princess!
Therese is marrying the scillful hairdresser, Ivan Lukic.Lucky you!
A peaceful day of my own at Häringe!
I had fish for lunch by the pool.Sauna by the lake, and grand finale, dinner at the castle all by myself.Thank you Fredrik, Beatrix and Thomas, everyone at Häringe for a lovely day and night! Axel Wennergren, former owner whith his beloved dogs.Today my mother told me, the Wennergrens use to buy dogs from my […]
Beautiful moments!
Karin&Patrik, Ulriksdal, Stockholm spring 2009!
July wedding!
Hans & Cathrine, thank you for a beautiful evening at Krägga Herrgård!I am so looking forward to your weddingday!Big hug, Kicki
While waiting!
Christina is having a baby this summer! Vicke is enjoying the sun today.
Pin up!
Häringe castle, Jussi Björling suite, april 10th!